Introduction to R and RStudio

Figure 1

RStudio layout

Figure 2

RStudio layout with .R file open

Project Management With RStudio

Figure 1

A screenshot of a project folder containing multiple versions of data, analysis scripts, figures, and results files

Data Structures

Exploring Data Frames

Subsetting Data

Data frame Manipulation with dplyr

Figure 1

Illustration of selecting two columns from a dataframe

Figure 2

Illustration of multiple dataframes created by piping a dataframe to group_by

Figure 3

illustration of creating a summary dataframe from grouped data

Introduction to Visualization

Figure 1

Histogram of life expectancy by country showing bimodal distribution with modes at 45 and 75
Histogram of life expectancy by country showing bimodal distribution with modes at 45 and 75

Figure 2

Figure 3

Histogram of life expectancy by country showing bimodal distribution with modes at 45 and 75
Histogram of life expectancy by country showing bimodal distribution with modes at 45 and 75

Figure 4

Figure 5

Barplot of GDP per capita. Country names on x-axis overlap and are not readable
Barplot of GDP per capita. Country names on x-axis overlap and are not readable

Figure 6

Barplot showing GDP per capita. Country names on the y-axis are readable
Barplot showing GDP per capita. Country names on the y-axis are readable

Figure 7

Writing Data