Data Tidiness

Figure 1

Messy spreadsheet

Planning for NGS Projects

Examining Data on the NCBI SRA Database

Figure 1

Screenshot of header from Tenaillon et al. paper (linked in References)

Figure 2

Click on the number “224” next to “SRA Experiments” and it will take you to the SRA page for this subproject. 03_send_results.png

Figure 3

Notice on this page there are three sections. “Common Fields” “Select”, and “Found 312 Items”. Within “Found 312 Items”, click on the first Run Number (Column “Run” Row “1”). ncbi-new-tables2.png

Figure 4

This will take you to a page that is a run browser. Take a few minutes to examine some of the descriptions on the page. ncbi-run-browser.png

Figure 5

Use the browser’s back button to go back to the ‘previous page’. As shown in the figure below, the second section of the page (“Select”) has the Total row showing you the current number of “Runs”, “Bytes”, and “Bases” in the dataset to date. On 2022-12-06 there were 312 runs, 109.58 Gb data, and 177.17 Gbases of data. ncbi-new-metadata.png