This lesson is in the early stages of development (Alpha version)

Advanced Programming Topics


Teaching: 0 min
Exercises: 0 min
  • Define and reuse global macros.

  • Understand the scope of local and global macros.

  • Divide your work into multiple .do files.

  • Use nested macros.

  • Use nested loops.

  • Reuse the results of other commands.

  • Merge update.

  • tempfile with append

  • Use temporary variables, scalars, and files.

Advanced example of macro evaluation and for loops

clear all
import delimited "data/raw/worldbank/WDIData.csv", varnames(1) bindquotes(strict) encoding("utf-8") clear

local merchandise_trade "TG.VAL.TOTL.GD.ZS"
local life_expectancy "SP.DYN.LE00.IN"
local gdp_per_capita "NY.GDP.PCAP.PP.KD"
local population "SP.POP.TOTL" 
local population_density "EN.POP.DNST"

local variables merchandise_trade life_expectancy gdp_per_capita population population_density

tempvar sample_to_keep
gen `sample_to_keep' = 0
foreach var in `variables' {
    replace `sample_to_keep' = 1 if indicatorcode == "``var''"
    * note the double quote. `var' evaluates to merchandise_trade, ``var'' evaluates to `merchandise_trade' = TG.VAL.TOTL.GD.ZS 

keep if `sample_to_keep' == 1
// this temporary variable will be deleted once the .do file stops

reshape long v, i(countrycode indicatorcode) j(year)
replace year = year - 5 + 1960
generate str variable_name = ""
foreach var in `variables' {
    replace variable_name = "`var'" if indicatorcode == "``var''"
    * note that the LHS is in single quotes, the RHS in double quotes

drop indicatorcode indicatorname
reshape wide v, i(countrycode year) j(variable_name) string
rename v* *
save "data/derived/WDI-select-variables.dta", replace

Commenting your code

Comments are text included in a do file. The code in this file is commented using * or \\. Stata will ignore everything that comes after. Multiline comments can be made with /* which tell Stata to ignore everything until it sees */. Three forward slashes (///) means that the current command is continued on the next line.

Temporary variables and files

. local base_year 1991
. tempvar base_value
. egen `base_value' = mean(cond(year == `base_year', gdp_per_capita, .)), by(countrycode)
(1100 missing values generated)

. summarize `base_value'

    Variable |        Obs        Mean    Std. Dev.       Min        Max
    __000000 |      4,180    11528.92    14240.77   387.0233   105171.4

. generate gdp_per_capita_index = gdp_per_capita / `base_value' * 100
(1,100 missing values generated)

base_value is a macro containing a uniquely generate variable name that can be used as a name for a temporary variable. The variable is not created, you have to do it yourself with generate or egen. Once your .do file concludes, the temporary variable is dropped.

Because Stata keeps only one dataset at a time in memory, you may need to save and load datasets frequently. Not all of these datasets will be needed later and you should not clutter your project folder.

Merge names of countries and the income group classification from WDICountry.csv.

import delimited "data/raw/worldbank/WDICountry.csv", varnames(1) bindquotes(strict) clear
keep countrycode shortname incomegroup
tempfile wdi
save `wdi', replace

use "data/derived/WDI-select-variables.dta", clear
merge m:1 countrycode using `wdi', keep(master match) nogen
reshape wide v, i(countrycode year) j(variable_name) string
tempfile wide_wdi
save `wide_wdi', replace
rename v* *
save "data/derived/WDI-select-variables.dta", replace
use `wide_wdi', clear
* do something else with the wide data

There are two dedicated Stata commands to put aside a dataset in memory and reuse it later: preserve and restore.

reshape wide v, i(countrycode year) j(variable_name) string
rename v* *
save "data/derived/WDI-select-variables.dta", replace
* do something else with the wide data
import delimited "data/raw/worldbank/WDIData.csv", varnames(1) bindquotes(strict) encoding("utf-8") clear
local gdp_per_capita "NY.GDP.PCAP.PP.KD"
keep if inlist(indicatorcode, "TG.VAL.TOTL.GD.ZS", "SP.DYN.LE00.IN", "`gdp_per_capita'", "SP.POP.TOTL", "EN.POP.DNST")
reshape long v, i(countrycode indicatorcode) j(year)
replace year = year - 5 + 1960
generate str variable_name = ""
replace variable_name = "merchandise_trade" if indicatorcode == "TG.VAL.TOTL.GD.ZS"
replace variable_name = "life_expectancy" if indicatorcode == "SP.DYN.LE00.IN"
replace variable_name = "gdp_per_capita" if indicatorcode == "`gdp_per_capita'"
replace variable_name = "population" if indicatorcode == "SP.POP.TOTL" 
replace variable_name = "population_density" if indicatorcode == "EN.POP.DNST"
drop indicatorcode indicatorname
reshape wide v, i(countrycode year) j(variable_name) string
rename v* *
save "data/derived/WDI-select-variables.dta", replace

Many times you may need to type the same commands when and do repetitive tasks in the process of data manipulation. For example, you need to use lines 5-8 in also in another .do. Rather than copy-pasting these lines of code, you can create a new .do named which is called from as well as the other .do. will contain the following lines of code

generate str variable_name = ""
replace variable_name = "merchandise_trade" if indicatorcode == "TG.VAL.TOTL.GD.ZS"
replace variable_name = "life_expectancy" if indicatorcode == "SP.DYN.LE00.IN"
replace variable_name = "gdp_per_capita" if indicatorcode == "`gdp_per_capita'"
replace variable_name = "population" if indicatorcode == "SP.POP.TOTL" 
replace variable_name = "population_density" if indicatorcode == "EN.POP.DNST"

WHhereas will look like

import delimited "data/raw/worldbank/WDIData.csv", varnames(1) bindquotes(strict) encoding("utf-8") clear
keep if inlist(indicatorcode, "TG.VAL.TOTL.GD.ZS", "NY.GDP.PCAP.PP.KD", "SP.POP.TOTL")
reshape long v, i(countrycode indicatorcode) j(year)
replace year = year - 5 + 1960

do code/

drop indicatorcode indicatorname
reshape wide v, i(countrycode year) j(variable_name) string
rename v* *
save "data/derived/WDI-select-variables.dta", replace

Key Points

  • Use return list after a command to see what you can reuse.