• Remember that in if statements there are a couple of different things we can use to decide whether to execute the code in the statement or not
  • We can use conditional statements
if (height > 5) {
  • But we can also use functions that return boolean values
  • So if we want to do something when the value of height is null we can use is.na()
if (is.na(height)) {
  • We’re going to use a new function that returns TRUE or FALSE in an exercise
  • That function is from the stringr package that is useful for processing strings
  • Its name is str_detect() and it checks if a substring is part of a larger string
str_detect("Halloween is spooky", "scary")
  • In our exercise we have a SPECIES column
  • It has a bunch of values that include the word Acacia (a genus), but also species names
  • We want to do something for all Acacia
  • Use str_detect()
str_detect(SPECIES, "Acacia")