
dtm_harv <- read_stars("data/HARV/HARV_dtmCrop.tif")
plots_harv <- read_sf("data/HARV/harv_plots.shp")

Extract raster data at points

  • One of the common tasks we want to perform in geospatial analysis is extracting data from rasters for use in our analyses
  • We might want information on elevation or precipitation from a raster
  • Or we might want information on soils from a set of polygons

  • We’ll start with the code we used last time to load in our digitial terrain model and plot locations
  • The raster and the vector data need to have the same CRS so let’s go ahead and transform our point locations to the UTM Zone for the raster data
  • Remember that we do this using st_transform which takes the object to be transformed and the CRS we want to transform it to
  • To get that CRS we’ll use st_crs to ge the CRS for the raster data
plots_harv_utm <- st_transform(plots_harv, st_crs(dtm_harv))
  • To get the raster values associated with vector data we use the st_extract function
  • st_extract takes two main arguments
  • The raster object that we want to extract information from
  • The vector object indicating where we want the to get the information from the raster
  • To extract the average elevation of each of our plots
plot_elevations = st_extract(dtm_harv, plots_harv_utm)
  • If we look at plot_elevations we can see that it is a simple features collection with an elevation for each point
  • We can access the values directly using the $
  • The name of the vector comes from the raster file name
  • These extracted values are in the same order as the features in the vector object
  • So we can add them to our existing spatial data frame using standard approaches
plot_harv_elevations <- mutate(plots_harv_utm, elevations = plot_elevations$harv_dtmcrop.tif)
  • We can add these data to the information in our original plots_harv_utm object using a spatial join, which will combine things from the same locations
  • Works like inner_join()
plot_harv_elevations <- st_join(plots_harv_utm, plot_elevations)

Do Tasks 4-5 of Canopy Height from Space.

Extract raster data at points with buffers

  • So far we’ve extracted raster data at points
  • So we just get the value in the single pixel that the point falls inside
  • We often want data in larger areas around points
  • We can do this by buffering those points
  • Let’s get the average canopy height within 25 m of the center of each plot
  • First, we buffer the plots
  • The second argument is the distance from the point to include in the buffer
  • The radius of the circle
plots_harv_buffered <- st_buffer(plots_harv_utm, dist = 25)
  • This changes the geometry to polygon
  • The units for dist are in the units of the vector object
  • UTM is in units of meters so here we’re saying within 25 m
  • Plot our buffered objects
ggplot() +
  geom_stars(data = dtm_harv) +
  geom_sf(data = plots_harv_buffered, fill = "transparent", color = "white")
  • Now we can run st_extract() on that buffered data
plot_elevations_buffered <- st_extract(dtm_harv, plots_harv_buffered)
  • This initially creates a stars object, but we can convert it back to a simple features object
plot_elevations_buffered <- st_as_sf(plot_elevations_buffered)