Remember to:

  • If teaching with Posit Cloud or RStudio Server pre-load surveys.csv, species.csv, and plots.csv into the student’s working directory
  • Consider removing the dplyr package so you can demonstrate installing it.
    • Linux users: you may not want to do this because the source install is slow


install.packages(c('dplyr', 'readr'))
download.file("", "surveys.csv")
download.file("", "plots.csv")
download.file("", "species.csv")
download.file("", "shrub-volume-data.csv")

Introduction to tabular data

  • We will be working with data from the Portal Project.
  • Long-term experimental study of small mammals in Arizona.

Setup local RStudio

  • Download surveys, species, and plots from Datasets into folder.
  • Need to know where the data is: Right click -> Save link as.
  • Start/open a project (modeling good practice)

Setup Posit Cloud

  • Go to the class space on Posit Cloud
  • Click on this weeks assignment


  • The dataset is composed of three tables
  • Each table is stored in a csv file
  • csv stands for “comma separated values”
  • This is common way of storing data that can be used across programming and data management software
  • Click on species.csv and View File
  • If we look at one of these files we can see that
    • It is plain text, so any program can read it
    • The first row is the header row, with different column headers separated by commas
    • All of the other rows are the data, again with different columns separated by commas
    • And so each of the values is separated by commas, hence “comma separated values”


  • Main way that reusable code is shared in R
  • Combination of code, data, and documentation
  • R has a rich ecosystem of packages for data manipulation & analysis
  • We are going to load data using the readr package, so let’s install it
  • Download and install packages with the R console:
    • install.packages("readr")
  • Even if we’ve installed a package it is not automatically available to do work with
  • This because different packages may have functions with the same names
  • So don’t want to have to worry about all of the packages we’ve installed every time we right a piece of code
  • Using a package:
    • Load all of the functions in the package: library(readr)

Loading and viewing the dataset

  • Let’s load our data into R using read_csv() from readr

surveys <- read_csv("surveys.csv")
species <- read_csv("species.csv")
plots <- read_csv("plots.csv")
  • Display data by clicking on it in Environment
  • Three tables
    • surveys - main table, one row for each rodent captured, date on date, location, species ID, sex, and size
    • species - latin species names for each species ID + general taxon
    • plots - information on the experimental manipulations at the site
  • Good tabular data structure
    • One table per type of data
      • Tables can be linked together to combine information.
    • Each row contains a single record.
      • A single observation or data point
    • Each column or field contains a single attribute.
      • A single type of information

Basic dplyr

  • Modern data manipulation library for R
  • Let’s install it from the console
  • We typically install from the console because we only need to install a package once
  • We don’t want to install it every time we run our code
  • Now let’s load it for use in this script
  • We want all of our package loading to occur at the top of the file
  • This makes it clear which packages are being used and where the functions come from


  • Select a subset of columns.
select(surveys, year, month, day)
  • They can occur in any order.
select(surveys, month, day, year)

Do Shrub Volume Data Basics 1-2.

  • Start your assignment file
  • Load the readr and dplyr packages
  • Load the shrub-volume-data.csv file using read_csv
  • Do Parts 1 & 2


  • Add new columns with calculated values using mutate()
mutate(surveys, hindfoot_length_cm = hindfoot_length / 10)
  • If we look at surveys now will it contain the new column?
  • Open surveys
  • All of these commands produce new values, data frames in this case
  • To store them for later use we need to assign them to a variable
surveys_plus <- mutate(surveys,
                       hindfoot_length_cm = hindfoot_length / 10)
  • Or we could overwrite the existing variable if we don’t need it
surveys <- mutate(surveys,
                  hindfoot_length_cm = hindfoot_length / 10)


  • We can sort the data in the table using arrange
  • To sort the surveys table by by weight
arrange(surveys, weight)
  • We can reverse the order of the sort by “wrapping” weight in another function, desc for “descending”
arrange(surveys, desc(weight))
  • We can also sort by multiple columns, so if we wanted to sort first by plot_id and then by date
arrange(surveys, plot_id, year, month, day)

Do Shrub Volume Data Basics 3-4.


  • Use filter() to get only the rows that meet certain criteria.
  • Combine the data frame to be filtered with a series of conditional statements.
  • Column, condition, value
  • To filter the data frame to only keep the data on species DS
    • Type the name of the function, filter
    • Parentheses
    • The name of the data frame we want to filter, surveys
    • The column to filter on, species_id
    • The condition, which is == for “is equal to”
    • And then the value, "DS"
    • DS here is a string, not a variable or a column name, so we enclose it in quotation marks
filter(surveys, species_id == "DS")
  • Like with vectors we can have a condition that is “not equal to” using “!=”
  • So if we wanted the data for all species except “DS
filter(surveys, species_id != "DS")
  • We can also filter on multiple conditions at once
  • In computing we combine conditions in two ways “and” & “or”
  • “and” means that all of the conditions must be true
  • Do this in dplyr using additional comma separate arguments
  • So, to get the data on species “DS” for the year 1995:
filter(surveys, species_id == "DS", year > 1995)
  • Alternatively we can use the & symbol, which stands for “and”
filter(surveys, species_id == "DS" & year > 1995)
  • Note that there is no comma in this case
  • The entire clause is a single combined condition
  • This approach is mostly useful for building more complex conditions

  • “or” means that one or more of the conditions must be true
  • Do this using |
  • To get data on all of the Dipodomys species
filter(surveys, species_id == "DS" | species_id == "DM" | species_id == "DO")

Do Shrub Volume Data Basics 5-7.

  • There is also a shorter way to write these kinds of or conditions for a single column
filter(surveys, species_id %in% c("DS", species_id == "DM", species_id == "DO"))

Dropping null values

  • One of the common tasks in data processing is removing null values from data
  • Based on what we learned before it’s natural to think that we do by filtering using the condition weight != NA
filter(surveys, weight != NA)
  • Why didn’t that work?
  • Null values like NA are special
  • We don’t want to accidentally say that two “missing” things are the same
    • We don’t know if they are
  • So use special commands
  • Need a new package called tidyr, which is used for tidying up data
  • Remember, we want all of our package loading to occur at the top of the file
  • tidyr’s drop_na() function removes rows with null values
  • To drop all rows that have NA in any column
  • To drop only rows with NA in specific columns also provide the names of those columns
drop_na(surveys, hindfoot_length)
drop_na(surveys, hindfoot_length, weight)

Do Shrub Volume Data Basics 8.