Copy to Database (dplyr Databases)

Dr. Undómiel has decided to focus on the change in size of a few target rodent species over the course of the experiment(1977-2002). She has chosen Dipodymys spectabilis, Onychomys torridus, Perymiscus erimicus, Chaetodipus penicillatus.

Write a script that uses dplyr to:

  1. Connect to the portal_mammals.sqlite.
  2. Generate a data frame with year, species_id, and the average weight per year (avg_weight) for each target species. You may find the %in% c() construction useful for your filter().
  3. Use copy_to() to include your new data frame in portal_mammals.sqlite. Call it something informative so that Dr. Undómiel can find it easily. Make sure it remains after the connection is terminated using temporary = FALSE.
Expected outputs for Copy to Database